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Distracted Driving Laws in Texas

According to various studies, distracted driving is right up there with drunk driving in terms of risks and dangers. As reported by the Texas Department of Transportation, one in five car accidents in Texas is caused by drivers that are distracted and not paying attention to the road. There are various forms of distracted driving,Continue reading “Distracted Driving Laws in Texas”

Drunk Driving on St. Patrick’s Day 

For nearly 300 years, St. Patrick’s Day has been celebrated all throughout the world by those of Irish descent. With 33 million Americans claiming Irish ancestry compared to only Ireland’s population of only 4.6 million people, the United States will see a much higher level of alcohol drinking than anywhere else in the world. WhileContinue reading “Drunk Driving on St. Patrick’s Day “

What to Do Following a Slip and Fall Accident

Being involved in a slip and fall accident can be an extremely stressful and overwhelming experience. Unfortunately, most people will be involved in some type of slip, trip, and fall accident at one point during their lifetime. And in most cases, the accident isn’t the victim’s fault. Because of this, it is important you understandContinue reading “What to Do Following a Slip and Fall Accident”

4 Reasons Why Car Accidents Increase During the Holiday Season

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), two of the deadliest days of the year are December 23rd and 24th. Unfortunately, while the holidays bring cheer and joy to many, they are also quite dangerous, especially for travelers. Not only do many people hit the streets more often to get that holiday shoppingContinue reading “4 Reasons Why Car Accidents Increase During the Holiday Season”