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Truck Accidents: Know Your Rights & Protect Yourself

Any type of vehicle accident can be dangerous, but truck accidents in particular are quite serious. When you consider the size and impact of a large truck compared to the passenger vehicle that is hit, it makes sense that the passengers in the smaller vehicle typically experience the worst injuries. If you or a loved one has recently been injured in this type of accident, then it’s time to call a truck accident lawyer for help.

The reality is that injuries from a truck accident can result in life-altering consequences. Not only are you dealing with the challenges of physical healing and recovery, but the property damage, lost wages, and medical bills will take a toll on your finances. The most important thing you can do is talk to a lawyer for help with your truck accident compensation.

Truck Accident Injuries and the Aftermath

The injuries from a truck accident are typically severe and even life threatening. If a victim survives the accident, then they will likely be dealing with the consequences of these injuries for the rest of their life. The most common injuries that can occur when a semi-truck accident happens include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Amputations
  • Broken Bones

All of these injuries can have long-term physical effects, which can also impact a person’s mental and emotional health at the same time. Additionally, truck accident victims often deal with ongoing psychological trauma, such as:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

As the physical injuries are healing, it’s often necessary to seek mental health services from a trauma-informed therapist. The psychological damage can make it challenging for a person to function in their normal responsibilities at work and home.

Financial Devastation and Legal Challenges

Even when you are back on your feet and healing from the physical injuries, it might feel impossible to ever find relief from the financial devastation that occurs. You likely have a growing list of medical bills that need to be paid, as well as the challenges of working with insurance companies (if the at-fault driver has an insurance policy to cover the damages).

Not only do the medical bills add up, but most truck accident victims are unable to work during their recovery, which causes additional financial stress and often results in a lot of consumer debt as the person is trying to survive. Other financial costs include rehabilitation costs, property damage, and more.

The legal challenges can be quite challenging to deal with, which is why it’s not a good idea to attempt a DIY approach. Make sure to hire an experienced truck accident lawyer so that you have an advocate who will negotiate on your behalf.

Knowing Your Rights: How Much Truck Accident Compensation Will I Receive?

The most important thing you need to remember after any type of trucking accident is that you have the right to seek compensation. But it takes a bit of work to build the case, prove fault, and get the insurance company to pay out a fair settlement.

First, your truck accident lawyer will be proactive about collecting all of the medical bills. Any associated costs for your recovery should be included in these financial calculations, such as doctor’s appointments, hospital bills, medications, medical equipment, therapy, rehabilitation, and more.

Next, your compensation will be calculated to cover all of the lost wages you missed out on while you were unable to work. You deserve to be paid for the time that you were home recovering.

Property damage is another financial point that needs to be calculated, including the repairs to your car or replacing your vehicle.

Finally, your truck accident lawyer will help you determine an additional amount that you can ask for the emotional impact of the accident: pain and suffering. In a terrible situation where a person doesn’t survive the accident, then family members might be able to receive compensation for pain and suffering, as well as funeral costs and end-of-life logistics.

Negotiating with the Insurance Company

When an 18-wheeler accident occurs (or any other type of trucking accident), it’s important that you seek legal services as quickly as possible. The faster you have a lawyer on your side, the higher the likelihood that you will be able to receive fair compensation.

Even though the insurance company might seem helpful, remember that the adjuster’s goal is to minimize the amount of money they need to pay. You need to protect yourself legally so that you receive financial support for the consequences that occur after the accident. Don’t agree to a settlement, talk to the insurance company, or sign any paperwork until you have consulted with an experienced personal injury attorney.


What to expect after a truck accident lawsuit?

It takes time to settle a truck accident lawsuit, so be prepared for a lengthy process of negotiations, paperwork, and potential court proceedings. Eventually, a settlement or verdict will be reached. Your lawyer will guide you through this process.

What are the most common truck accident injuries?

The most common truck accident injuries include traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, amputations, broken bones, and spinal cord injuries.

How much is a truck accident case worth?

Every case is different, so the amount of compensation varies depending on the situation. Factors that affect the compensation amount include the severity of injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, and the overall impact the injuries have on your life right now and in the future. An experienced attorney is a valuable asset because they can estimate the potential value of your personal injury case.

What evidence do I need for a truck accident claim?

The quality of your evidence will affect how much you are paid. Important evidence includes medical records, police reports, witness statements, and data from the truck’s “black box.”

Also, gather photos of the accident scene, including property damage, injuries, and damage to the vehicles. These photos and videos can be included in the lawsuit or court case to establish the severity of damage and who was at-fault for causing the accident.

Call to Consult with a Truck Accident Lawyer

If you are looking for legal help, then Green Law Firm is just a phone call away. Contact us to book a consultation so we can discuss your case and determine the ideal way to pursue compensation: (956) 542-7000.

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